

Pińczów, Poland


SMIT "CREATOR" is happy to announce that our CME ProManagment was approved! The Training was held in Pińczów, Poland from 26 - 01 September 2015, and brought together 24 young leaders, organization leaders and project managers.

Contact making event called ProManagment brought together to Pińczów in between 26.08-1.09 2015  24 experienced leaders, trainers, youth workers, project managers from Albania, Bosnia& Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy,Macedonia,  Croatia, Portugal, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia . The main aim was to develop the quality projects for youth activities and the capability of NGOs in the field of work with youth in the frame of Erasmus + Programme. We wanted to increase cooperation between organizations from EU and Balkan countries, thus augmenting their capability of managing projects in their respective community. ProManagment also comprised opportunity to build a network among organizations active in the youth field, to exchange experiences and make new contacts. Furthermore the mix of cultures definitely facilitated the process of intercultural dialogue and understanding. The gain of such competences will be useful for young people to apply in their life and work, especially in the period in which unemployment has reached incredibly high numbers in Europe. The promotion of a tool like a Youthpass, to recognize these competences will also be a key point. Participants were also involved in different activities through the methodology of non formal education such as simulations, role-playing, open space discussions, brainstorming, and ice-breakers, all that to point out importance of good practice in youth work within the frame of Erasmus+ Programme. The result of this contact making events was creation of strong cooperation and network between EU and Balkan countries in the field of youth within the Erasmus+ Programme.

ProManagement News
Article created by participants of project ProManagement which was held in Pińczów, Poland, between 26-1.09.2015. Disclaimer: This project was financed with the support of the European Commission. The content of the publication is the sole responsibility of the publisher and the European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.6 MB
Erasmus + Project Proposals
Project proposals created by participants of project ProManagement which was held in Pińczów between 26-01.09.2015. Disclaimer: This project was financed with the support of the European Commission. The content of the publication is the sole responsibility of the publisher and the European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.6 MB

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