05 - 12.04.2017
Murzasichle, Poland
SMIT "CREATOR" is happy to announce that our YE CV Superstar was a great success! The project was held in Murzasichle, Poland from 5th to 12th April 2017, and brought together 30 youngsters and 6 youth leaders.
Youth exchange called “CV superstar” brought together to Murzasichle, Poland 30 youngsters and 6 youth leaders from Italy, Bulgaria, Portugal, Slovenia, Greece and Poland. The main aim of this project was to support youngsters in the acquisition and development of entrepreneurial and digital competences and using them as a leverage for employability. With the help of tools and methods of non-formal education, such as simulations, role-playing, brainstorming, open space discussion, participants have broaden their digital knowledge. We focused on creating safe space for youngsters to share their experience, culture and traditions. Participants learn how to work in an international environment, how to use multicultural dialogue as a problem resolution. Youthpass certificate was our tool of recognition of gained competences.
During the youth exchange we promoted Erasmus Plus Programme and its possibilities for youngsters. To fulfill our main aim we presented to participant the best way to protect our online data, how to use different social media pages in order to create our personal brand. As the final result each participant will create his own way to promote himself in the Internet. It will be their first step to professional career.
Specific objective of our project were:
• to bring together 30 young people and 6 youth leaders from 6 European countries to support the development of entrepreneurial competences;
• to increase the skills and knowledge of "digital" tools;
• to understand the scale of youth unemployment and the labor market in the countries participating in the youth exchange;
• To increase the entrepreneurial competences;
• To improve communication skills of participants in its many forms;
• To provide participants with knowledge on how to create professional presentations;
• To show the dynamics and teach them how to work in an international group;
• To present to the participant the cultural differences among participating countries.