Open up to see

Setubal, Portugal


We are happy to announce that SMIT "CREATOR" members were participating in the Study Visit project called  Open up to see co-ordinated by Ananda.

Project “Open Up” identifies a link between self-awareness and youth unemployment in a way that if youngsters are aware of their individual potential, they will be more open and confidant to create projects that will increase that potential, consequently creating possible employment opportunities. As such, “Open Up” aims to support youth workers in helping youth to overcome unemployment and its consequences, through developing young people’s competences and knowledge in the areas of self-awareness, entrepreneurship, healthy behaviors, communication, contributing towards the creation of employment opportunities. 

The very project is a set of two international mobilities: a Study Visit (Open Up to See) and a Training Course (Open Up To Learn – 6-13 September 2015). The first mobility which recruitment is being organised for - “Open Up to See” - is a study visit co-financed by the Erasmus + Programme, that will take place in Setúbal, Portugal, from 29th June to 5th July 2015. It will gather 24 youth workers, youth leaders and people that work with youth from Portugal, Albania, Armenia, Denmark, Egypt, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, UK and Norway. The aim of the mobility is to explore and understand the role of youth work in combating youth unemployment. Through non-formal education methodologies, the project will give youth workers the opportunity to visit innovative projects in Setúbal and Lisbon related to youth work, in the areas of entrepreneurship and healthy behaviors; It will also provide a space for sharing of good practices and resources in order to establish future cooperation with the aim of working on preventing the 

consequences of youth unemployment. 


A. To explore and discover the youth reality regarding youth unemployment in Portugal and partner countries;

B. To discuss and highlight the role of NGOs in addressing the consequences of youth unemployment;

C. To support youth workers in increasing capacity in youth education about healthy behaviors;

D. To promote the development of entrepreneurial skills in the field of youth work; 

E. To enhance perspectives for future sustainable Erasmus + projects regarding youth work in the field of youth self-development and youth empowerment.

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Comments: 5
  • #1

    Basia Anzorge (Tuesday, 14 July 2015 10:16)

    Currently all countries struggle with youth unemployment. There is no easy way to solve this problem. But we as a youth workers/leaders believe that through our work in ngo we can change the reality and help youngsters to find their path, work in the new circumstances after finishing schools, universities ect. This is why I took part in Project „Open Up to see”, which identifies a link between self-awareness and youth unemployment. The main goal was to explore and understand the role of youth work in combating youth unemployment.
    I would divide this study visit into two parts:
    In the first part, through non-formal education methodologies, the project gave us, as a youth workers, the opportunity to visit innovative programs in Setúbal and Lisbon related to youth work, in the areas of entrepreneurship and healthy behaviors. This experience was really value because we had opportunity to see how turning words into action.
    In the second part, we had space for sharing of good practices and resources in order to establish future cooperation with the aim of working on preventing the consequences of youth unemployment. The project gathered 24 youth workers, youth leaders and people that work with youth from Portugal, Albania, Armenia, Denmark, Egypt, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, UK and Norway, which was an amazing experience to work in such a diversity environment. Everybody brought their own experience, ideas, visions which was inspiring. I met an amazing people, which are willing to develop and grow.
    After the study visit I am fully motivated and ready to create a new projects. It was only one week, but I feel that I learn a lot and that I can implement a lot.

  • #2

    Mateusz Winczura (Tuesday, 14 July 2015 21:31)

    It was, without doubts, an interesting experience - we had a chance to talk to people, for whom youth uneployment is not just a bunch of statistics from financial newspapers, but a real problem in their local community. We had a chance to take a close look on their day-to-day struggle against problems that are troublesome for politicians around Europe. Given the fact that participants came from different backgrounds (both profesionally and cultur-wise), this study visit happened to be a very good platform for exchanging ideas and taking a different look on issues related with youth unemployment. The cultural diversity of the project was also one of its many advantages.

  • #3

    Jian Xin Capsule (Tuesday, 25 October 2016 11:04)

    I am very happy to visit your website

  • #4

    Jian Xin Capsule (Tuesday, 25 October 2016 11:14)

    I am very happy to visit your website

  • #5

    qnc jelly gamat (Monday, 04 September 2017 21:55)

    selamat malam > < <