Compass Human Rights Education for Youth

Fasano, Italy


We are happy to announce that SMIT "CREATOR" members were participating in the Training Course project called Compass Human Rights Education for Youth co-ordinated by ASAP Europe.

It is an Erasmus+ Key Action 1 Mobility of youth workers project (training course). It will be held in Fasano (Puglia), Italy, from 18 to 26 February 2015, and involve 24 youth workers from 8 Erasmus Plus Programme countries (Italy, Uk, Poland, Lithuania, Macedonia, Greece, Romania and Latvia) as well as a team experts logistical and management support workers. The training course focuses on the Council of Europe’s Human Rights Education Programme – Compass, and the Compass HRE Manual.

Course objectives

- To share and review good practice in human rights education in partner countries

- To develop participants’ competences in human rights education

- To train participants in using the Compass HRE Manual

- To increase the quality of future Erasmus Plus projects

- To mainstream human rights education in youth work

- To strengthen partnerships among partner organisations


The project will be based on non-formal learning methods, including small group work, team-building activities, multimedia presentations, role play and social theatre. It will draw on Council of Europe’s educational resources, notably the Compass HRE Manual (2012 edition)

Expected outcomes

The project’s main outcomes: increased competences of participants in facilitating

human rights education and the strengthened capacity of partner organisations. The course will have a strong multiplying effect as participants will organize local follow-up projects on human rights education in their home countries.

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Comments: 3
  • #1

    Gabriela Wołyniec (Thursday, 16 July 2015 05:42)

    Between 15 - 26 February 2015 year I had the pleasure to participate in the project Compass, Human Rights Education for Youth in Fasano, Italy. The project was attended by people from: Lithuania, Latvia, Greece, Romania, Great Britain, Macedonia, Italy and Poland.
    Each of the participants in their everyday lives work or support youth organizations and they deal with all the problems that affect at this age group. Very often their problems are violations of basic human rights. Rights to the faith, to work, to belong to a political party, and are also violated their human rights because of their nationality. During this project we had the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with the tool which is the Compass, it contained many different types of activities and tasks that help people talk openly with each other in a variety of subjects (sometimes very hard). During the project we were preparing classes, which proved to be very complicated. Nevertheless, the project taught me a lot and I used that knowledge in my work with youth.

  • #2

    Agnieszka Penkajło (Thursday, 16 July 2015 05:45)

    "Compass: Human Rights education for Youth" it’s a name of a project organized by ASAP Europe between 18th and 26th of February 2015 in Fasano, Italy. It was training course for youth workers and at the same time – my first exchange. The project gathered youth trainers from seven countries: Poland, Italy, Greece, Latvia, United Kingdom, Macedonia, Lithuania, Romania.
    We were talking about what is a training course, Council of Europe’s Human Rights Education Programe and the Compass HRE Manual
    During this training course we were using non-formal methods of education like simulations, group workshops, role-playing, debates. Before every workshop we had an energizer which helped us be more active. We had one day off when we could go to Lecce or Bari (big cities around Fasano). I really enjoyed this time! 

    I can really recommend project with SMIT.

  • #3

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