Tools for successful leadership - from vision to reality

Kaunas, Lithuania


We are happy to announce that SMIT "CREATOR" members were participating in the Training Course project called Tools for successful leadership - from vision to reality co-ordinated by Association “MEMOVE”

”Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others." Each leader in order to make his team growing has to  implement entrepreneurial skills, such as leadership,time management , communication and social skills,management and other. Its very important that youth leaders have right tools in order transfer relevant information to the local realities and make others grow,developing their transversal competences and teaching how young people of today can use them to achieve their goals, become more employable and build a better society of tomorrow.

The main objectives of the training course are:

- raising awareness of the importance of transversal competencies in order to be competitive and employable on the future labor markets;

- encouraging positive interaction among the youth of different EU countries by involving them in a week of activities together;

- supporting young people’s personal growth and employability by helping them acquire new entrepreneurial and soft skills and developing new competences that can be used to achieve a higher success in their projects.

Moreover, then 27 young motivated people will come back to their countries and start to act as 

professional leaders of their organisations and communities,a huge number of other young people will be affected and included in the process of the good changes and this idea will have an impact on the society.During the project participants will make a research and the comparison of what does the labour market need and how does the education system prepare youngsters, collect the best practises and identify the main gaps and will construct the recommendation.

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Comments: 5
  • #1

    Paweł Baster (Friday, 14 November 2014 15:26)

    Tool for successful leadership was a training course organised by Lithuanian organization named Memove. It was a great multicultural experience hosted in beautiful city of Kaunas in Lithuania. A great combination of educational and recreational activities allowed us not only to obtain practical knowledge and skills but also helped us to get to know each other well. Thanks to national and cultural differences we were able to learn about needs and backgrounds of others, what helped us during our activities. During our workshops we were able to learn how to become great youth leaders and achieve our goal. This intresting experience will surely help in my future.

  • #2

    Natasza (Sunday, 16 November 2014 16:03)

    The training course "Tools for successful leadership. From vision to reality" was a project organized by lithuanian NGO Memove in Kaunas from 20-27th October and I had an opportunity to be a part of it.
    Trainings sessions were mainly focused on gaining necessary tools in order to become a good leader and be more competitive on the future labour market. Together with 27 young motivated people we've acquired new entrepreneurial and soft skills by learning how to manage a team, establish our aims and goals, how to present our ideas in public speaking simulations or different ways of advertising. Writing a semi-professional business plan and creating assessing goal strategies were a great starter for future job searching and recognizing our skills and competences - what we've already gained and what we should develop.
    Michal and Luca - both experienced trainers, not only shared with us their knowledge about leadership, but also they showed us useful learning and researching methods and platforms for job opportunities.
    "Tools for successful leadership" was a very informative and knowledgeable training. Definitely, I will implement all the obtained knowledgeable in my future.

  • #3

    success of life guide (Friday, 21 July 2017 15:00)

    Thank you for sharing this amazing post. Very informative tips. Extremely helpful.

  • #4

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  • #5

    traffic management academy (Monday, 03 February 2020 07:41)

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