EVS: get inspiration for your future!

Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy


SMIT "CREATOR" is happy to announce that our first EVS volunteer started her service! “EVS: get inspiration for your future!” it’s a long term service project that take place in Cagliari (Italy) and involve 6 volunteers for 12 months coming from United Kingdom, France, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary. Project is co-ordinated by TDM 2000.

The project promotes and supports the importance of the cultural diversity, solidarity and youth information.


Through the activity ‘Impariamo le culture e la solidarietà’ the volunteers will help the pupils to understand better the diversity of the communities they are part of and to become aware of the richness they can gain with the discovering of values and habits of other cultures and also the value of solidarity, as they are involved in a voluntary work, identifying as well which is the profile and the action of voluntary work in Cagliari.


Through the activity ‘International summer week’ the volunteers will support the organization to realize one of the most intercultural youth festivals of the Mediterranean. The youth festival gathers together more than 200 people from all over the world, giving a huge impact on the intercultural dialogue among different cultures, lifestyles and realities.


Through the activity ‘In-formazione: crea il tuo futuro’ the volunteers will support the organization in delivering information to young people about European opportunities in the field of international mobility and education through workshops and radio news. The project aim to promote the developing of non-formal competences and soft skills useful for the personal and professional future of young people.


With the 3 activities the project gives a big impact on the local community and on the EVS volunteers that will get a lot of experience and new skills through the voluntarism, they'll also have the opportunity to exchange with their peers in the hosting community and growing as a person in a multicultural environment.




Marta says....


I love to travel and explore the world. I was studying in Denmark, doing student exchange in Malaysia, being intern in Spain and now I am an EVS volunteer in the most beautiful place in the world- Cagliari. Who knows what will be next? :) I love cooking and trying new tastes :) I enjoy learning new things and being challenged. I think life is an adventure out of which I am trying to get as much as possible.


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Comments: 57
  • #1

    Marta Pakuła (Thursday, 10 October 2013 12:16)

    After one week of living in Cagliari I can say is that it is great, charming place. The city has a lot of amazing stories to tell, it was built on 7 hills. One of the coolest thing about it is that almost everywhere you go you have this beautiful view. Mirto - Sardinia drink is worth a recommendation.
    I came here for project “EVS: get inspiration for your future!” with 4 others volunteers: Thomas from England, David from Hungary, Hichem from France and Jiri from Czech Republic. TDM 2000 is very active organisation hosting a lot of EVS volunteers. Their volunteers live in two houses. The very crazy thing is that when I went to the party in other house I met new volunteers and one of them was my great friend from previous project Katica (Croatia), that also came here for one year EVS.
    Each of us has main activities, that is responsible of and other activities on which is helping. My main activities are promotion of mobility programms and recruitment of people that would like to be part of them, and also helping in organisation of training courses that will be held in Sardinia by TDM 2000. I am very excited and looking forward to spend one year here.

  • #2

    Marta Pakuła (Wednesday, 06 November 2013 14:19)

    Arrival traning
    On my third week in Cagliari I went on Arrival Training, which was held near to Rome. Arrival Training is quite similar to other Youth in Action projects, the biggest difference is that the participants are EVS volunteers from the country where training is executed. On the training were around 30 volunteers from the following countries: Poland, Spain, France, Germany, Slovakia, Russia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, Greece, Portugal, Lithuania ad Albania. The main topics of the arrival training were Youth in Action Program, EVS and Youthpass. The focus was placed on Youthpass, so volunteers could find out what kind of competencies they can gain during their EVS. Every day we also had an Italian language course. All activities were focused on non-formal education and learning-by-doing methods. We also had one day trip to Rome. On the training I met a lot of amazing people, who I am planning to meet with soon.

  • #3

    Marta Pakuła (Wednesday, 06 November 2013 14:20)

    My first month in Cagliari passed very fast. The first week I spent getting to know the organisation, the other volunteers and my future tasks. In the next weeks I got used to the situation. I met a lot of new people, discovered many cool places and improved my Italian a bit. I took part in the promotion of events in mobility programmes and also participated in the workshop "MoveSteps" in Oristano. I spent the last week of the month near Rome on arrival training. The month finished with the volunteers' Halloween Party:) After it I can say that I am getting used to the place, situation, my new "family" and I already feel like I'm at home here.

  • #4

    Marta Pakuła (Thursday, 28 November 2013 14:44)

    My second month in Cagliari, besides being an amazing time and a lot of fun brought two important events. The first was a presentation, for the first time done by volunteers. I was one of the volunteers, next to Vanja from Norway, Hichem from France and Michal from Czech Republic, presenting information about mobility programmes in front of Sardinian students. The presentation went very well. The second important thing was visit of volunteers to Olbia to help to clean the place after the flood.

  • #5

    Marta Pakuła (Monday, 20 January 2014 17:40)

    December was quit short month for me because I started my holiday on 17th December when I came back home for Christmass. Any way till that time I managed to be a part of annual meeting of TDM2000 International and be a part of conference about microcredits, on which I made presentation about Progress Microfinance.
    TDM2000 International is a network established to connected organisations from differenet countries to coorporate, support each other and create projects together. On 7th December took place Annual meeting where I was a representative of SMIT "Creator", which became a new member of this network. During the meeting we accepted new statute and chose new board. It was very interesting experience which gave me chance to understand how does the network and how many different member it includes.

  • #6

    Marta Pakuła (Wednesday, 12 February 2014 22:09)

    As first week of January I spend in Poland, the month seemed to be very short. Any way I managed to be part of conference at one of the high schools presenting mobility programms and at conference in Iglesias where TDM 2000 was presenting one of the projects that got accepted: "Raise a problem, get an answer!". The other very important activity was to get to know the new programm Erasmus+. Besides working I spend a lot of time with other volunteers and friends. There were also sad moments as three of fellow volunteers finished their projects. Any way every day the weather is getting better so hopefully soon I will be relaxing on the beach

  • #7

    Marta Pakuła (Wednesday, 26 March 2014 14:51)

    March was month full of activties. As it was end of Carnival I attended a lot of parties but as well I manage with two other volunteers Eva and Michal to go to Mamoiada. The carnival there is very interesting because within it there are people with two different types of mask. One is Mamuthones (his face covered with a black mask, dark clothes with fur and with bells hanging in the back.), the other Issohadores(men dressed in red waistcoat , white mask, with laces they capture young women as a sign for good health). They walk and dance in parade along the city. It was very interesting and I am really glad I was part of this event.
    We also had another presentation about Erasmus+. People still have a lot of questions about new program and they are very interested in it.
    As you might know the president of SMIT is right now also doing a project in Cagliari and we both took part in kitchen competition. We presented our polish food (pierogi, mielone, ogórki, kapusta kiszona) versus Italy. Unfortunately we lost, but any way it was a lot of fun and thanks to all the other volunteers that were part of our Pierogi production :)
    I also started new project. Now I am presenting Poland to children in school. It is really nice activity as children are really excited and interactive, I am looking forward to the next presentations

  • #8

    Marta Pakuła (Sunday, 01 June 2014 11:33)

    May was very active month. At begining of May we celebarted Sant' Efisio. There was a parade on which were presented different costumes from all of the parts of Sardynia.
    TDM 2000 was running the project "My vote is our future", the aim of project is to promote European Parliament Elections. The project was connected with many interesting events in which all volunteers were participating. There was organized conference, flashmob as well as an information point in the center.
    Also during May there was Monumenti Apperti, which basicly means that entrance to all the musemus, churches, galleries was for free. I manage to visit few intersting places:)
    As my EVS already reached the middel I went to MidTerm Evalutaion to Rimini. It was a training on which we learned how to evaluate our EVS experience and create YouthPass.
    As the weather was amazing I also went on trip to Villasimius, which is an amazing, beautiful city with great seaside. We also welcomed new volunteers, this time from Venezuela and Capo Verde. My responsibilities at work also changed, I started to work more on Social Media. And I also took a week of holiday, during which I went to visit my family and my ex-roommate Viki. I am looking forward to the next adventures in here :)

  • #9

    Marta Pakuła (Monday, 30 June 2014 09:02)

    June was an amazing summer month!! June is my favorit month as in the middel of it is my birthday so of course this year I celebrated it with other volunteers and italian friends. Once again thanks to every one who made this day so special :) Besides this I manage to go on boat trip with TDM2000. We spend few hours sailing, swiming, enjoying the time together. I also attended the concert about Capo Verde with other volunteers from this country. I am extremly glad I went there as it let me understand their culture much better. We also celebrated birthday of other volunteer- Patrick from Capo Verde, which was another great party :) At the end of the month our team joined Roza from Bulgaria, who is going to stay here for next 6 months as Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs.
    My task are manly updating web page and managing social media, which are the areas of my main interest and something I want to improve at, but also in addition to those I teach the other volunteer English :)

  • #10

    Marta Pakuła (Thursday, 31 July 2014 13:53)

    July has passed very quickly. It was amazing sunny month, during which I spent a lot of time on beaches. There are amazing onces here in Sardinia, they really take the breath away. And I must admit I've never seen see so blue in my whole life. I am still very excited, because there still a lot here to explore. In work I am still focusing on Social Media and Web Page, it is very useful for me as my main area of interest is Online Marketing and both of my activities are part of it. This month we also celebrated 14th birthday of TDM2000, which is my hosting organization. Besides that we again got new volunteers, this time from Indonesia and England. They came here to help in organization of International Summer Week, about which I am very excited. It is one week even which take place here in Cagliari full of trips and fun. To find out more about it, I suggest to check the eventhttps://www.facebook.com/events/229276047278515/?fref=ts. I guess next month I will be able to tell how amazing it was. :)

  • #11

    Marta Pakuła (Wednesday, 08 October 2014 11:55)

    August was definitely a good month. It started with International Summer Week, which is crazy event, where met 180 people from different continents to enjoy time together. Then we had national holiday during which I spent time relaxing and sunbathing. At work my main tasks are still social media and web page updates, the things I like to do the most. I have one more month to go and honestly most of my time during August I spent on thinking what will be my next step, I am still not sure but definitely I am extremely sad this experience is getting to an end, but at the same time I am very excited about the upcoming adventures.

  • #12

    Marta Pakuła (Wednesday, 08 October 2014 11:59)

    EVS: GET INSPIRATION FOR YOUR FUTURE was one year EVS project that started on 1st October 2013 and took place in Cagliari. The project involved 5 volunteers from Czech Republic, Poland, France, England and Hungary. Volunteers were involved in many different tasks. The main tasks were advertisement of International Winter and Summer Week, school project, promotion of mobility programs. As a volunteer on this project I liked the most flexibility and possibility to change the responsibilities I was working on. In that way I managed to learn a lot. When I came my main task was to deliver consulting services to promote mobility programs. I was working in two different offices as well as I was conducting presentations on conferences. Later I worked in school project, during which I had possibility to present Poland to primary school children. The last task I choose to work was in field of my professional experience, which was social media management and web administration. It is great that organization gave the opportunity to develop in unknown fields as well as in the once in which I was gaining education. Also during my service I met people from all over the world, there were volunteers from such a countries like: Lithuania, Argentina, Norway, Capo Verde, Indonesia, etc.
    My EVS was great experience. I improved my skills, I learnt new things, I made a lot of new friends, I learnt new language and the most important I improved my personality.

  • #13

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  • #14

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