Babylon Reinvented: How to Approach ICL

Lwów, Ukraina



We are happy to announce that SMIT "CREATOR" members were participating in the Youth Exchange project called Babylon Reinvented: How to Approach ICL co-ordinated by Kharkiv Women Civil Organization Center “Perspective”.

Training course will take place in multicultural city of Kharkiv and bring together 30 youth workers from 10 counties, 5 EU and 5 from EECA. During 7 days they will be working on intercultural learning. Looking back into history we can see that there were several waves of migration, so basically Europe now is a home for different nations and cultures, This is reality where we live and it doesn't simplify it. Living back to back to each other in a multicultural environment there is a huge distance between us. There is no country in Europe with its borders where people speak only one language, where only people of one nation live, therefore with this TC we would like to provide youth workers with tools for “intercultural learning” as an effort to understand the complexity of today’s world by understanding others and ourselves better and to empower them  to deal with the potential of change, which can have a positive and constructive impact in our societies. The aims of the TC are:
-to bring young people from different background in order to evaluate our own cultures
-to enable youngsters to discover the origins and mechanism of racism, intolerance, xenophobia
-to foster understanding of being active citizens
-to enable young people to better face the challenges of current reality
-to develop a more flexible attitude to the context of cultural diversity in society;
-to develop a larger capacity of communication between people from different cultures

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Luba Krasnitskaya (Monday, 11 August 2014 13:56)

    20 youngsters gathered in Ukraine to evaluate their cultural background, look at the historical development and evolution of European heritage and identify themselves in the vivid society. The aim of the training course was to raise the awareness of young people about cultural diversity of the modern world. During the training trainers created various educational situations and applied non-formal learning methods which made 7 days are interesting and participants could learn something new about origins of racism, intolerance, xenophobia. Besides the group discussion about European citizenship and presentation of the data of minorities in our countries the participants could introduce each other their national dances, songs, food and even fairytales. Representatives of each country tried to be creative, some of them could be awarded in the nomination “Best actress/actor”. The trainers prepared a good schedule when the participants have time to learn and the possibility to discover the city of Lviv and its people and sightseeing.

  • #2

    Emilia Panasiuk (Saturday, 16 August 2014 15:34)

    During the last week of June four members of the SMIT “CREATOR” were participating in the Training Course “Babylon Reinvented: How to Approach ICL” which was held in Lviv. The TC was organized by Kharkiv Women Civil Organization Center “Perspective”.
    More than 20 participants from 9 countries came together to discuss issues connected with cultural diversity, cultural understanding, European citizenship, so ICL – Intercultural Learning. We focused on subjects concerning cultural diversity, different minorities, exclusion and inclusion in societies, or discrimination. During the sessions prepared by Angelica we had amazing opportunity to get to know each other, our culture, differences between our approaches to development of cultures. Used methods - group working, simulations, role playing taught us how to find a compromise even despite some language circumstances we had met.
    After the TC, hope we will understand each other better what will benefit in future to build conscious and unified societies without problem of discrimination.