Project Management in Practice

Gjesdal, NORWAY

16 - 23.12.2013


SMIT "CREATOR" members were participating in a TC titled Project Management in Practice co-ordinated by NiTiN and held in Gjesdal, Norway.

PMP - Project Management in Practice is a 7 days training in Dirdal, Norway and will gather 20 youth leaders from Norway, Denmark, Portugal, Poland and Romania. This training is aiming to educate new youth leaders that can promote Youth in Action and be in charge of international activities for youth all over Europe. During this training the participants will get an understanding of youth exchanges and how to design one in terms on form, context, methods and administration. The training will be based on study circle method and the participants will be seen as assets and actively involved in each session.


The aim of the project is to educate a group of youth leaders that can be the base for an increased cooperation aiming to give young people international experiences.

Main Objectives:

1. Create the base for a strong cooperation

2. Give the participants tools to design and apply for a youth exchange

3. Give the participants tools to design activities that promote intercultural learning and integration

4. Give the participants tools to design child protection and security program.

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Comments: 4
  • #1

    Greg Borowski (Monday, 20 January 2014 17:36)

    I’m very happy to admit that past training has met my expectations. I’m hoping that the experience will bring relevant outcome while designing my own project on European level as its result. I intend to go further into the EU program opportunities that arise over Erasmus+ by January. Thank to both, skilled trainers and wonderful participants, I believe that we’ve completed goals of our training sessions. While having had loads of fun working in multicultural groups, we’ve increased our awareness of the new program prospects and methodology used for successful project designing under Youth in Action. I’ve been in touch with members of few NGOs since the project ended and I’m looking forward to work closely with them on some mutual initiative in the future. I’m confident that so-called non formal education can be more beneficial for personal growth from hours spent in school classrooms. Hence, I’d like to thank to SMIT creator once again for enabling me to participate in such amazing event which, who knows, can turn out to be my life changing experience.

  • #2

    Aleksandra Molendowska (Monday, 20 January 2014 17:36)

    Within the framework of „Youth in Action” program in November once again I have an opportunity to participate in international training course. Hosting organization, invited us to the small, picturesque place in Norway, nearby Stavanger city .For 20 participants from 5 different countries it was an ideal place to got to know each other and work together. The project itself ,was the greatest possibility to familiarize us with the structure of applications we should fill in when we are going to get funds for it within “Youth in Action”. However, before we have been trying to create own projects, our trainer acquainted us with the idea of project management and then supervise our work. Together in mixed groups we have made a lot of interesting projects schemes as well as we have exchanged our experiences. I am convinced that we will cooperate with each other in the future within Erasmus +.

  • #3

    Martyna Zimorska (Monday, 20 January 2014 17:37)

    From 16th to 23th of November 2013 I have been participating, as the SMIT Creator member, in Training Course on project management in Norvegian small village - Gjesdal. The project was organized by NITIN - Nordisk Institutt for Trening og Internasjonal Nettverk – which is the NGO from Stavanger, one of the biggest Norvegian city.
    The Training Course gathered sixteen enthusiastic young people from four European conutries: Denmark, Poland, Portugal and Romania to provide them with knowlegde and skills about the process of project management under the Youth in Action Programe framework.
    During first 3 days participants got to know about creating the main outlines of the project and how to become an efficient project manager, at the same time discussing and deliberating about problems of youngsters in Europe and also worldwide. It helped participants to collect a group of topics to be touched during the creation of the project.
    Next two days were dedicated for networking and also for proper working in groups on projects to be implemented in the future.
    Using non-formal methodology, as: group work, discussion, role play etc. another group of young and active people from all over the Europe acknowledged great amount of experiences and practical skills in project management. Another value, which is the most important for NGOs, was having possibilities to network and reflect on probable cooperation in their project implementation.
    Being there for a week was very inspiring and fruitfull experience, and hopefully one day such advanture will happen again!

  • #4

    Mateusz Cwetler (Monday, 20 January 2014 23:54)

    For me personally, taking part in training course "Management in Practice " held in Gjesdal, Norway was extremly interesting and important to understand how Youth in Action Programme works in practice. As an active member of SMIT “CREATOR” I was looking forward for such project for a long time and finally had opportunity toparticipate in one.
    Togeather with colleagues from 5 different countries, namely Danmark, Norway, Portugal and Romania, we were intensivelly working on improvement of our skills and knowladge necessary to succesfully implement youth projects. Thanks to organisers from Nordisk Institutt for Trening og Internasjonal Nettverk and Mr Asser Mortensen, experienced expert in field of youth policies, we were able to discuss many current issues, exchange our thoughts and finally basing on that design projects corresponding to our ideas.
    Aditionaly, spending one week in wooden cottage surounded by fiords and lake was a marvellous experience and a great moment of rest from everydays life;)