
23 - 30.08.2013

Kaunas, Lithuania


SMIT "CREATOR" members were participating in a YE titled TolerDance co-ordinated by Memove and held in Kaunas, Lithuania.


Dance is an important part of culture and throughout our human history was an effective way of communication. All around the world people danced to express themselves, present the culture and to get sense of belonging. Message hidden in the movements has always been strong and is fantastically showing the soul of the performer. Getting to know traditional dances of different nations will help as to search for similarities. The final result of the workshops will be an interactive activity with a performance of the different group dancing all together as one big international group deriving from all traditions. One week length youth exchange will be implemented in Kaunas -the second largest city in Lithuania.

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Comments: 10
  • #1

    Zosia Straczycka (Monday, 20 January 2014 20:47)

    Thanks to MEMOVE Association and SMITH CREATOR I had the opportunity to participate in the project " TolerDance " organized in the framework of the Youth in Action program , lasting between 23 -30 . August 2013 in Kaunas.

    Things that I liked the most were the „Interculture nights” and dancing workshops (those we organized in our free time). During the " Interculture nights" we learned interesting things about all the countries that were gathered in the project (Italy, Lithuania , Ukraine , Moldova , Romania, Poland ), We were learning folk dances , and at the end of each presentation we had the opportunity to taste national dishes , sweets , alcohol . I really enjoyed our visit in the Dance School, during which we had a short dancing lesson (about 40 minutes ) with elements of modern dance. I was really fascinated by the insides of The Musical Theater that we had the opportunity to visit from "the other side of the curtain " and the streetdance show, that we watched in our free time . Making (kind of ) a flash mob was also very interesting.

    In my opinion making such project is very important. You always learn something new. I learned some new things about myself, but I also realised that Italians and Poles have a lot in common (for example a similar sense of humor). By the fact that I met some interesting people from Italy, I would really like to travel around this country and learn something more abort it.

    What I didn’t like about the Project, was that we spent most of the time discussing and making posters, cut-outs and such things. I didn’t remember a lot from those discussions. Maybe it was because the schedule was too busy , what resulted in lack of sleep and tiredness during the sessions. Maybe the fact that the weather was great outside and most of the time we spent inside the hotel. The name " TolerDance " reminded me more of the workshops, dance , the movement , the action – it attracted young, full of energy , active people who were just waiting for an opportunity to release the energy on the dance floor. But sometimes I felt like we're there just to produce posters and other evidence that the project took place. Also, despite the great sympathy for the leaders , I did not feel the bond that usually accompanies the pursuit of the common goal. For there was little interest in and reaction to what is happening with the participants (even our boredom , sometimes ) .

    Despite the fact that week in Kaunas passed surprisingly quickly , the memories that are sure to remain in my memory for a long time , are positive .

  • #2

    Adam Zygmunciak (Monday, 20 January 2014 20:48)

    During the period between 23-08-2013 to 30-08-2013. I took part in an international youth exchange program in a project called "TolerDance", which had place in the Lithuania, Kaunas. In total were 42 participants of us from countries as Poland, Italia, Romania, Lithuania, Moldova and Ukraine .
    During the project we've got theoretical knowledge.We spent a lot of time working in groups and individually practicing our language skills and raising awareness of caring of the environment and recycling programs in each country. The knowledge is important and practical, different kinds of work in a team few times a day, from concept, to finished project - it also allowed us to practice while working under time pressure.
    Subject matter which was discussed during the problem of art buisness in european countries, problem of comunication to diferent nation and effectiveness of art and dance building a common Europe . We prepaded \flashmobs- street dancing for all. It's amazing. Additionally, I can learn national dance of Ukraine, Moldova, Romania,Lithuania and Italy. I really like it ! We have got many games which mostly connected with traditional aspects and interesting facts. At the end of every presentation we had a chance to taste local foods. I never forgive it. The project ending big succesfull.

  • #3

    Anna Łajko (Monday, 20 January 2014 20:50)

    In the second half of August I had the pleasure to take part in the " TolerDance " organized in Kaunas , Lithuania . This project was my first trip from the Youth in Action program. As I was driving there , I had no idea how it should look or what to expect from such an exchange . A pleasant surprise happened to me the very first day, as soon as I got to know people from the Polish team. Thanks to this experience, I realized that young active people don’t really need much time to integrate. During the activities, I learned that it is worth it to open up to people from the beginning and give them more trust than I previously used to. This of course, also applies to getting to know people from other countries, who were also members of the project: Lithuania , Romania, Ukraine, Italy and Moldova. The project showed me, how untrue can some stereotypes be. On the other hand, several times it reminded me how true some are, of course rather the funniest one, like for example Italians expressive gestures. ;)
    During the project I lived with a friend from Lithuania , so form the early morning till late night I had the opportunity to exchange experiences and to integrate with other countries. This project has given me more confidence in speaking in other languages and allowed to learn the basics of several new languages. I also had the pleasure to take part in cultural evenings , during which each country presented basic information about their history, traditions and culture . Of course, I can’t forget that it was a dance project ,so I learned the traditional dances of each of the participating countries. The biggest added value for me, was the opportunity to learn new techniques for working in a group and a lot of energetic exercises allow to focus on the task.
    I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to participate in this project and I hope that in the future I will have another occasion to participate in similar exchanges , and maybe even organize one.
    I feel inspired.

  • #4

    Mateusz Olejarczyk (Monday, 20 January 2014 20:51)

    Youth Exchange Tolerdance was exactly the same what I expect. There were lots of great and really nice people from many countries. On the exchange I met people which I was able to share our passions.
    The topic was about tolerance and dance which made it easier to find agreement. We met them some professional dancers which shared with us their passions and hobbies. One of dancers shows us movies about history of dance and about Kaunas which he made.
    Really helpful and interesting was culture evening in which we presented most important information about our courtiers, prepared some local meals and taught each others traditional dances. My knowledge about these countries after those evenings increased. It helped us in build stronger relationship. I hope these connections will be long-term and I will be really happy if I meet them in next years on other exchanges.

  • #5

    Bartek Adamczyk (Monday, 20 January 2014 20:52)

    On the 23rd – 30th August 2013 I had the pleasure to participate in the project "TolerDance". The project was organised by MEMOVE Association thanks to the UE program Youth In Action. It took place in Kaunas (the second largest city in Lithuania) and gathered as many as 42 participants from six European countries: Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Italy, Romania and Poland .
    Theme of the project is very meaningful to me, because when I was 12 years old I used to practise ballroom and Latin dances and I'm glad that I could meet so many other dancing enthusiasts coming from so many different cultures. I have had the opportunity to participate in many dance workshops, performances and games. The activities and tasks organised by the leaders were according to the majority of people too time-consuming, so it was hard to fit in time with the implementation of the whole. Mostly the project was focused on theoretical tasks and discussion about the problems of young Europeans, the difficult situation on the labour market and the importance of cultural diversity in a globalised world. The most interesting part of the schedule were "intercultural nights" - every night, every national group prepared a short presentation about their country and also presented the traditional national dance, during which everyone participated. For me it was the essence of the project - youngsters from different countries were united together in the dance (boundless and universal language). At the end of this “intercultural night” there was a “feast” where you could enjoy traditional dishes and treats that participants have brought from their countries. Nevertheless, the most valuable were free evenings, during which we could mutually share skills and different styles of dances.
    It was my first (certainly not last) project of the Youth in Action program, so it's hard to compare it with another projects like this. For me it was one of the most active and the most interesting weeks in my life, during which I had the opportunity to improve my communication skills, learn about other types of projects (the way in which you can apply and organise the project by yourself), I learned the basics of salsa, swing, hip-hop and dancing with fire (!). Finally, I have met a lot of friendly and helpful people, whose presence and commitment have made my week in Lithuania unforgettable 

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