Join Hands for youth entrepreneurship


02 - 09 Maj 2013

SMIT "CREATOR" members were participating in a TC titled Join Hands for youth entrepreneurship all co-ordinated by HUK and held in Croatia. 

Join hands for Youth Entrepreneurship Training Course   aims  to provide youth leaders and entrepreneurs with applied knowledge on how to spark an entrepreneurial spirit among young people and how to run quality youth projects, which could help to revert the negative trend of growing youth unemployment in Europe.  Our course, run by 30 participants, two trainers, 1 facilitator and 2 support staff from 10 EU countries, will be open to young people from EU and SEE region offering selected items of the agenda to a wider public in duration of 7 working days and will take place in
Croatia. Inter-generation partnership with experienced entrepreneurs will enrich mostly non-formal working methods aimed at unleashing creativity and innovation in youth work. As a result quality youth projects on youth employment will be developed by the NGOs represented, young people’s entrepreneurial ideas will emerge and for their proper implementation sustainable partnerships will be established.

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    Jan Talaga & Łukasz Starakiewicz (Thursday, 27 June 2013 18:35)

    How to build a bridge while sitting in an office? Which shirt should I wear for a press conference? Many have found answers to those extraordinary questions during Training Course Join Hands for Youth Entrepreneurship, which took place in May, in Šibenik, one of the lovely coast towns of Croatia. Two Polish participants sent by SMIT "Creator" had a huge pleasure to take part in it.

    Don’t let the triviality of the questions misguide you though – organizers of the training course have put a great deal of effort to teach us hard things in easy ways. Just by a single exercise one could understand complexity of the matter of team building, comprehend a difference between group leader and a person who is giving orders or even create emotional bond/build professional relation with people on long distances and successfully launch a complicated project. Informal education is probably one of the most brilliant tool devised on our planet by a human being. I’m glad I could fully enjoy it on this training course – just imagine coming up with revolutionary ideas while taking a stroll over the marvelous river Krka and sharing them with people alike, whose observations could spur the collective mind to go even further, deeper and crazier. It is also rare to train public speaking, discovering nature of employment structure in other countries and learning fantastic ideas of improving it at the same time, moreover all sprinkled with fun and humor!

    Training Course Join Hands for Youth Entrepreneurship has also strongly emphasized the values of the Youth in Action program and it has provided its participants with plenty of trainings focusing on writing a successful project and understanding what Youth in Action actually is, what are its main goals, its structure, not forgetting about various kinds of available programs. The knowledge provided in this course is a solid foundation for developing and successfully running outstanding projects – not only in matter of quality, but also uniqueness, as some kinds of exchanges are being chosen by project leaders more eagerly than the others (however not necessarily so by the authorities – here National/Executive Agency) thus creating a niche on a market and opportunity for potential young, vibrant, entrepreneurial individuals to shine in the world of Youth in Action program.

    As the word “market” has been mentioned above, we shall not forget about the main goal of the training course – acquiring necessary tools and learning how to create own Youth Exchange, which by means of informal education will encourage young people to develop or even just take their first steps in the world of entrepreneurship and motivate them to create their own business. Not only due to harsh situation on European job market, especially among youth, but also in general, as a set of rules and abilities useful also in everyday life, I find those skills and attitude particularly valuable.

    Naturally Youth in Action Training Course would be nothing without fantastic, talkative people, who always create this one and only, unforgettable atmosphere, which impression will stay for a very long time in our minds and deep in our hearts.