17 - 24.03.2013
Vilnius, Lithuania
SMIT "CREATOR" members were participating in a training course titled Action Co MIX for all co-ordinated by In Actio and held in Vilnius, Lithuania.
International training course “Action Co Mix” is a project that will gather 27 youth workers, leaders and volunteers from 9 different youth organizations from European countries. Training course took place in Vilnius, Lithuania on 17th –24th of March 2013 and aimed to contribute to developing the quality of support systems for youth activities and the capabilities of youth organizations. Training course provided participants with new knowledge and methods on working with young people on 4 topics: creativity and innovation, youth participation, social entrepreneurship andrecognition of youth work/action; also it introduced with techniques for making comics as a tool for working withyoung people and/or spreading information for young people and community in general. During this project a book of comics, promoting above-mentioned topics, including tools on how to make comics for other youth workers will be prepared by participants.
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Martyna Zimorska (Friday, 29 March 2013 10:51)
During the last week of winter I had been participating in international training course Action Co Mix, which was a project that gathered 27 youth workers, leaders and volunteers from 9 different youth organizations from European countries. Training course took place in Vilnius, Lithuania on 17th –24th of March 2013. Organization called In Actio provided participants with new knowledge and methods on working with young people on 4 topics: creativity and innovation, youth participation, social entrepreneurship and recognition of youth work/action.
Project Co-mix was also to prepare a book of comics promoting above mentioned topics prepared by participants including tools on how to make them for other youth workers. Quite important during the project was a space given for NGO’s to meet in order to start and or strengthen cooperation. This training course was mainly divided into two parts. During first days all participants were getting to know each other and we were trying to integrate in the
international environment. Another crucial point during this time, were presentations of non- governmental organizations and the workshop on recognition of youth work
and Youth in Action programme. Personally, for me the most riveting and important was the second part – making comics! During the long workshop sessions, trainers introduced us with techniques for making comics (as a tool for working with young people and/or spreading information for young people and community in general). We have learnt how to use simple computer program called Comic life, and also how to draw and design comics by ourselves.
During the last day of training course a book of comics, promoting above mentioned topics, including tools on how to make comics for other youth workers was prepared by participants. We had a chance to promote our recent ideas to local people during the local event which was organized in hotel in Vilnius we stayed in. Thanks to the project, Action Co- mix, I have a thorough knowledge about how to
use comics as a very creative and innovative tool to work with youngsters, and what is more I have met new amazing friends from countries such as: Latvia, Lithuania, United
Kingdom, Bulgaria etc. who I will keep in touch for a long time!
Maciej Otrębski (Friday, 29 March 2013 10:52)
Project Action Co. Mix held by Lithuanian organisation In Actio gathered 27 participants from various countries all over Europe. Members from Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, England, Bulgaria and Poland were keen to take part in this week-long workshop. Poland was represented by two SMIT members from Cracow and one from Wroclaw.
The main purpose of this project was to enable young people take up various activities using comics as an encouraging tool. During this cold week in Vilnius we got through wide range of non-formal education methods, starting with basic energizers and ending with creating our own picture comics in ComicLife application.
To be more exact, first few days were sacrificed to group building activities and creating bonds beetween participants. But what is more we also menaged to discuss the problem of social entrepreneurship and the ideas behind it which I found very useful. Some exercises boosting our creativity were held as well.
Second part of the training course was dedicated to creating comics - most of us didn’t even know we had had so many hidden talents. Following topics were proposed: social entrepreneurship, youth work recognition, youth participation and creativity and innovation. Firstly we draw our stories on our own, next step was teamwork which final effect was picture story enclosed below.
We also had one day to discover Vilnius that helped us to integrate even stronger. During the last day of training we organised a local event to present results of our work.
As it was very first project I attended I was really sorry it has come to an end that quickly. Ability to work in an international environment and co-operating with such inspiring people made a significant change in my approach to life and future.
Ewa Ludko (Monday, 01 April 2013 22:28)
The course, which took place in Vilnius, Lithuania, acumullated 23 people from 7 countries.
Every single day was divided into thematic parts. Issues, which were discussed, pertained inter alia: NGO's platform, social entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation, solving the social problems etc...
Meeting people, who are full of positiv energy, is always inspiring. Getting to know NGO's action platform from different countries help look boradly at problems, which concern people in their countries. The Intercultural Evening was also very interesting experience. It was a chance to try new flavors and cultures and find out some new things, which were totally unknown to us.
The comic's idea as the platform of transfer of information and contact with others became excellent thing to share thoughts and feelings with other people. The introduction to this subject was the meeting with Anna Pavlova, who presented us how to create a comics (and presented us some rules about creating comics) and a few very interesting examples of lithuanian comics. People from other countries showed also examples of animations and comics, which are popular and typical in their country. Under the supervision of Anna Pavlova were accomplished first, very long comics. During another days, we created our personal work – individually and in groups. Especially interesting was work in groups – every member of the group did his best and gave some ideas, technical help or support with graphic software. The commitment was really huge, groups worked up to very late night hours. At the end, took place the exihibition of the comics, which were created during workshops.
It was the first time, I took part in that kind of project. The atmosphere of the project was full of mutual understanding, acceptance and tolerance. I am really glad, that I could participate in it. I got to know a lot of new people, cultures and worldviews. This project was first (to me), but I hope – not the last one.